I admit it: I'm a total geek. I love electronics, programming, 3D printing, 3D art, and vintage Apple hardware. I'm always juggling half a dozen projects. I also enjoy documenting it all: my successes, my failures, my experiences... and everything geeky along the way.

Creature Creator for Genesis 2 Males | Kevin Rye.net - Main

Kevin Rye

Geek Extraordinaire. Yeh, I said it.

Creature Creator for Genesis 2 Males

It took 9 months, but DAZ finally put the wraps on the Creature Creator for Genesis 2 Males. Sure, you can make some non-gender specific looking creatures with the Creature Creator for Genesis 2 Females, but no matter how hard you try, there’s still some boobs that give it away.

Maybe now with the Creature Creator for Genesis 2 Males, I’ll finally be able to make a convincing male zombie/monster/alien.

Creature Creator for G2M

Same as before, there’s a base set, and an HD one. It isn’t unheard of for DAZ to double-dip with new releases. (Base now, HD offering later.) So it’s nice to see that they followed last year’s release and put out both side-by-side.

The regular Creature Creator for Genesis 2 Males is usually $29.95, or $14.68 with a Platinum Club discount. Pretty good deal, but the HD version is $39.95, or $19.58 after savings. I threw in my monthly $6 coupon and got it for a mere $13.58. Sweet deal, and a no-brainer.

They also had the same Add-Ons package as before for $19.95, or $9.78 after PC discount. I held off on that for now. I’ll see if I need it later. You never know, maybe the Add-Ons for Genesis 2 Female will work.

I started out with Michael 6 and gave him the included loincloth.

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First up is the Fur textures. There’s 4 to choose from. As far as the loincloth, there are 5 different materials.
GM2 creature creator 10
There are 5 different scale colors.
GM2 creature creator 11
Zombie, my favorite, has 4 to choose from.
GM2 creature creator 12
As far as the horns from the Genesis 2 Female Creature Creator Add-Ons, the horns seem to work OK. I tried the legs, but the materials don’t match up very well.
GM2 creature creator 13

As far as morphs, there’s no shortage of sliders to play with. There’s a ton more just for the head.

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You can dial in just the right amount of alien.
creature creator g2m head 1

Or mix in a little demon with a little bat

There’s another set of sliders called “Exo”. I guess some kind of alien, but not the traditional type with the big head and eyes.
creature creator g2m head 3

You can mix and match all the morphs, add horns and a texture and come up with some really crazy stuff.
creature creator g2m head 4

As far as full-body morphs, here’s a sample of the Zombie morph.
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You can make some pretty unique looking characters with such a small amount of effort. These aren’t exactly masterpieces, but it’s just to show what you can put together in just a few minutes.

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GM2 creature creator 10

Pretty neat stuff.